It Starts With Girls
We are guided by the vision of powerful girls in an equitable society.

Inspiring All Girls To Be Strong, Smart, & Bold.
Our Story
We’re building a new generation of strong, smart, and bold leaders in Santa Fe and across New Mexico

What We Do
We equip girls to reach their full potential while advocating with and for them to end inequity and discrimination.

Who We Are
We're the longest-running girls’ leadership program, evolving with girls to meet the challenges and opportunities of the day.
Our Outcomes
We help girls gain the knowledge and skills to effect positive change in their lives. They become leaders who will change the world.
97 %
Of girls say they listen to people even if they disagree with them.

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99 %
Of girls said they care about doing well in school.

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95 %
Of girls say they feel confident about handling their problems.

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Girls Inc. of Santa Fe has changed my life by making me more confident in who I am by challenging me to step out of my comfort zone.


Get Involved
Stand with girls. Your generosity shows girls you believe in them and their potential.
Our Partners
Our partners are committed to increasing access and opportunities for all girls.
Our Partners